Hi, I’m Nathan Jackson and this is my blog, the World According To Nathan!

Let’s get to the start here, I’m no-one special. I’m a chubby, twenty-one-year old full-time zoology graduate and zoo volunteer, who still lives with his parents and is finding adulting a bit more difficult than he expected. I’ve never saved anybody’s life; in fact, I try and avoid danger whenever possible. I’ve not discovered the cure for cancer or made first contact with life on other planets. I’ve never won a Nobel or an Oscar or a Pulitzer and, as far as I know, no-one’s ever named a hospital after me.

But I’ve got a lot of views on the world, and I’m not about to voice them quietly, humbly and without great dollops of humour.

With a strong dose of common sense that is rarely, if ever, found on the Internet, I’m attacking the pompous, the ridiculous, the absurd and the downright idiotic, whilst also celebrating the eccentric, the clever and the sheer bloody brilliant. Basically, it’s a blog that celebrates the world.
Unlike most blogs (who moan about the world’s issues), this is no chronicle for living; this is a road map to modern life. Don’t leave home without it.

Like what I’m posting (or hate it)? Topic of interest that you want me to write about? Have an opinion? Have something that you want off your chest? Share it! Guest writers are more than welcome, and I look forward to your input and telling your stories (don’t worry, anonymity will be preserved). Shoot me an email at Jackson.jacksonn.nathan48@gmail.com, to let me know what you think!
Happy Journeys!
Nathan Jackson
