Traditionally, most studies of skeletal kinematics came from motion capture of external markers attached to skin or tight clothing. However, these estimates suffered due to a lack of fidelity between skin movement and underlying bone movement and were unable to visualise deep internal structures.
What is XROMM?
XROMM (X-ray reconstruction of moving morphology) is a set of 3D X-ray motion analysis techniques that involve combining skeletal morphology data from a CT scan with bone motion data from in vivo X-ray videos, resulting in a precise and accurate animation of 3D bone meshes moving in 3D space. Whilst it's been used to study skeletal motion in various species, what's relevant here is that XROMM has been increasingly used to explore ROM both in vivo and in cadaveric specimens.
XROMM methods include marker-based XROMM, in which radio-opaque markers are surgically implanted into skeletal elements and markerless XROMM, which includes manual alignment of bone models to video sequences and semi-automated bone model registration methods. Implantation of radio-opaque bone markers allows bone models to be animated directly from bone marker co-ordinates, offering potentially higher throughput and more precise results... but at the expense of requiring invasive surgery.
Previously XROMM required specialised software to correct distortion introduced by fluoroscopic image intensifiers, calibrating cameras, tracking radio-opaque markers and calculating rigid body motion, as well as complex file inputs (at least seven input to 22 outputs - 29 files in total per trial, meaning a small study with 25 trials would have 725 files). However, new open-source software packages have been made (and further developed to account for these issues - XMALab and XMAPortal. XMALab - and the XROMM workflow as a whole, were fundamental to the work carried out in my thesis.
What is XMALab?
XMALab (X-ray Motion Analysis Lab), whilst designed for XROMM, works equally well for motion analysis from standard light-video cameras. The XMALab user interface contains three workspaces: unidistortion, calibration and marker tracking. Since its creation in 2016, XMALab has become commony used in marker-based XROMM studies.
Since VROMM uses data from video cameras, rather than X-ray cameras, the footage I took for my thesis lacked the complex image distortion seen in fluoroscopic videos. Whilst GoPros semi-automatically undistort video footage, at the wide and super-wide fields of view, this may not be perfect.
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